Thank you for you considering a case study with Reltio. This is a great opportunity to showcase our joint success.
We will make every attempt to make this as easy as possible for everyone involved.

Case Study Samples:


Reltio + Shiseido

– Highlighting the company success as a part of this strategic partnership.

– Interview shot at a conference

– Broll provided by Shiseido PR Team


Reltio + Pfizer

– Traveled to meet Pfizer to conduct interview

– Shot in one morning in consideration of partner’s schedule

– Highlighted key metrics showing real impact on partner’s business


Reltio + First Tech Federal Credit Union

– Setup at a user conference in a hotel restaurant

– Partner’s key interviewees already in-town for conference

– Highlighting how partner utilizes the Reltio product for growth



A standard case study takes between 4-6 hours to film. Each interview takes about 15-30 minutes depending on who is being interviewed. When possible, we like to interview someone in upper management who can give us an overview of the objectives of the company.


For interviews, filming in an area with natural light is always a benefit.  A larger room where we can control as much background noise as possible is always helpful as well. If possible, please provide a few photographs of potential filming areas.


B-roll is all of the footage that goes over the top of the interview. This is where we can show how your team is using the product. Ideal situations for broll include individuals at their computers, group meetings discussing results, collaboration between teams. If your marketing or PR teams have any public facing footage that is usable, that really helps the film come to life and represent your brand.


This schedule is very flexible. Often times broll shots will be captured immediately after the interview based on the Interviewee’s availability.

8:00-9:00AM - film crew arrives and begins to set up in the interview area

9:00-9:30AM - Interview #1

9:30-9:45AM - Reset for a new angle for interview #2

9:45-10:30AM - Interview #2

10:30-11:00AM - B-roll with interviewees at their desks

11:00-12:00PM - Break down gear and film Environmental b-roll shots (signs, front desk, outside of building, etc.)

Sample Images From Past Case Study Shoots