Project Name
Project Contact Name
Project Contact Email
Absolute Project Deadline
Desired Deliverable Duration(s)
What is the intended duration? Check all that apply. (Keep in mind: Brevity is the soul of wit, wisdom and sales)
Sub 30 Seconds (YouTube pre-roll, Social Media Stories)
30 Seconds (Broadcast, YouTube pre-roll, Instagram)
60 Seconds (Broadcast, Instagram, Facebook)
2-5 Minutes (Website, Facebook, YouTube, Tradeshow)
Beyond 5 Minutes
Story Motor
What will drive the story or message forward?
Voice Over (third person narrator)
Explainer Graphics Titles (on screen visual titles. Helpful for tradeshows or point-of-sales without audio.)
Hype Visuals Only (Beautiful imagery and creative editing can be a powerful way to capture attention.)
Inter-scene Dialogue (traditional Hollywood style)
Target Audience
Describe those you are hoping to reach. Employees, potential customers, shareholders, gypsy kings, etc.
Key Takeaways
What are you hoping your audience will take away or understand after watching the video.
Provide links to videos, photos, or brands that inspire the look, feeling, or motivation of this project.
Graphics Package
What type of motion graphic work will be necessary for this project? Check all that apply.
Company Logo Animation
Lower Third Name Titles
Explainer Graphics (process, technology etc)
3d graphic work
Extra Helpful Info
Any additional details you might have running through your mind that you'd like to outline.